Five criteria of a good blog template

A blog without an eye-catchy template is no good for a devote blogger. Why template is so important? In a matter of fact, template is one of the trigger reasons or a factor why visitors will keen to read your writing. This is because your blog is not irritating their eyes, in fact, it is easy to read, and they will get your content points better. If you’re a serious blogger, of course you will hire someone to design your blog. What about for a newbie blogger? Definitely, they don’t want to spend their money for nothing.
No matter what type of blog platforms that you’re using, there are numerous of free templates that had been created by kind-hearted people. Your job is easy, Google and download the template that you think suitable with your style. Be careful, do not use a template that you think is very nice to your blog. You must know something, if you think that your template is good enough, it doesn’t mean that people will love it too. You must know these criteria before downloading and set up a template for your blog:
- Type of layout
- Background
- Fonts
- Colours
- Additional features
Usually layouts that famous for the bloggers are two columns layout and three columns layout. As a blogger, you must define what type of layout that suitable with you. For example, If you’re planning to place more widgets in your blog, you better choose three columns layout as it provides more spaces to install those handy widgets.
After you have decided the type of layout, the second question that you must ask yourself is, What is the background design for my template? Decide whether you want a clean background or beautiful image as your background. If you don’t want to mess your visitor sight, you should choose a clean background. It is okay to choose a colourful background, but make sure it is not too obvious. This may disrupt your visitors from reading your blog contents.
After you have done choosing a perfect layout with suitable background, the third thing you must consider is the fonts that the template will use. Don’t worry, usually, we can preview the template first for every site that provides downloadable free templates. Hence you can see the font type, it sizes, and it properties. You must choose the template that its font is clear enough to be read, the size is medium, and its properties are suitable. For examples, For the blog title, the font must be bolded to make it standouts from the content points.
When we talk about colours, it can be colours for the fonts and colours for the background image. In some cases, the designer of the template has fixed some colour to the template fonts, especially for the blog post title. Make sure it is different colour with your background, thus it must be contrast with the background colour or image.
A custom made template usually comes with some built-in widgets, for examples blog archive, Facebook like button, page navigation and so on. Sometimes a custom made template doesn’t include it. In conclusion, you must do a lot of research to find what is the template provides that suit your need.
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